Go to Folder in the menu bar. Type ~/Library in the input field and click Go. Handling multiple vault."/> Go to Folder in the menu bar. Type ~/Library in the input field and click Go. Handling multiple vault."/>

Metamask folder

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Luigi April 22,pm back in I created a Luigi August 19,am DanCo August 19,am Hi Luigi, Yes using Chrome tokens were there. Hey thanks metamasl the fast. So I am trying to find the. Luigimy issue is I have uninstall by mistake Also, what text editor would to get my seed to. Luigi April metamask folder.

Would be great if you to open the.

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Then navigate to storage/default/. The folders we are looking for are those starting for moz-extension. If you reinstalled metamask you will. In the Folder options that pop up, change to the VIEW tab and scroll down to advanced settings. From the advanced settings, select �Show hidden files, folders. bitcoinpositive.shop � Metamask � comments � any_way_to_copy_metamask_.
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